Alpaca Wool Blankets: Amazingly Warm And Inexpensive

Alpacas have been bred in South America for thousands of years. Their wool is a soft, durable, luxurious fibers. Alpaca wool is similar to sheep’s wool, but it is warmer and has no lanolin, which makes it hypoallergenic.

Here are some alpaca wool blankets I’ve personally tested:

 Alpaca Blanket Made In The US

Alpaca Wool Blanket

If you are looking for an alpaca blanket in the US, check these out. They wool comes alpacas raised in the US. They are woven by the renowned Pendleton Woolen Mill in Oregon.

Thickest Alpaca Blanket

Alpaca Wool Blanket

These Alpaca blankets are very thick — they weighs close to 7 pounds. They are not as soft as they other blanket listed here, but if you put a sheet in between yourself and and blanket, they work great. I put them on top of my organic wool comforter, for extra warmth. These blankets are made in Peru.


6 thoughts on “Alpaca Wool Blankets: Amazingly Warm And Inexpensive”

  1. I’d be open to trying it. I don’t really ever recall seeing it offered in stores or at least where I shop, I don’t see it on the shelves. Perhaps some advertising and marketing is in order. If it feels as nice as it sounds, I think the price point is on target.

  2. FYI there are several reviews on Amazon about the first listed Alpaca blanket. Several of them claim that it is a fake that is made of acrylic. One of the reviewers went so far as to post a video “burn test” where they show that the blanket burns like acrylic and not like Alpaca.

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