Earth sheltered houses make use of earth or “berms” for protection against the natural elements.
These homes can be complete underground homes, or homes which are protected by earth on just one side. The major advantage of this style of building is that the house has a constant and comfortable temperature throughout the year, so it is much less expensive to heat and cool. They are also much more resistant to weather and natural disasters. Here is a list of 25 advantages of earth sheltered houses.
Malcolm Wells, the author of “The Earth-Shelted House”, runs a web site with a lot of information on underground building.
nature boy and girl
Earth Sheltered Houses
Earth Sheltered Houses
Metaefficient points us to The Earth Sheltered House: An Architect’s Sketchbook by Malcolm Wells, and also provides links to other resources. This is a subject particularly close to my heart,…
Yes, having a house that can withstand a nuclear fallout is not one of my priorities. Maybe they should have left it at 20 reasons.
While I’m a fan of earth sheltered houses, I had to laugh at 24: Protection From Nuclear Fallout! I think they were kind of reaching to find a full 25 reasons!