Grapefruit Seed Extract (or GSE) is a powerful disinfectant. It can be used to disinfect wounds, sterilize fruit and vegetables, purify drinking water, sanitize dishes, countertops and cutting boards and inhibit bacteria growth in pools and spas.
The active ingredient of grapefruit seed extract is synthesized from the seed and pulp of certified organically grown grapefruit. The process converts the grapefruit bioflavonoids (polyphenolics) into an extremely potent compound that kills Strep, Staph, Salmonella, E. Coli, Candida, Herpes, Influenza, parasites, and fungi.
Research indicates that grapefruit seed extract appears to disrupt the cytoplasm membrane in such a way that the organism is unable to uptake necessary amino acids. While researchers do not yet fully know how GSE works, they do know that it is effective against an overwhelming number of pathogens.
In numerous tests, it has shown to have no side effects and is non-toxic to humans and animals. It is also environmentally friendly and biodegrades.
It is especially useful for sterilizing baby toys, bottles, and clothes because it is non-toxic and harmless to babies. Only the undiluted extract will irritate the eyes and skin.
For more information on laboratory studies on Grapefruit Seed Extract (or GSE) see this Intelihealth page or The Healing Power of Grapefruit Seed by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo Baginkski.
Other books with further information are Nature’s Antiseptics: Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract by C.J. Puotinen and The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract by Allan Sachs.
The abstract of one study can be found here.
Stephen Harrod Buhner, author of Herbal Antibiotics says:
“The exact manufacturing process [of Grapefruit Seed Extract] is a closely kept secret, and there some (disputed) evidence that the commercial process involves more than a simple extraction procedure. It is unknown whether simple home extraction processes will produce the same efficacy as the commercial extract. The seeds, peel, and leaves may all be used.
Harold Buhner
I had assumed that the test began with the intended concentration for use. More concentrated versions are available in stores, however; see article, “… the undiluted extract will irritate…”
I got the defintition of toxic wrong, too – it has a specific meaning legally. Properly diluted GSE is classified as nontoxic. Of course, this “properly diluted” criterion can be applied to anything… that’s why an absolute measurement of the active ingredient fraction is desirable.
Also, “whether simple home extraction processes will produce the same efficacy” – the answer is clearly no, per the description of the synthesis on the Citricidal� website. More interestingly, the description of the active ingredient as a quaternary ammonium salt puts it in the same chemical family as several other widely used microbicides (though fortunately much less toxic).
Its toxic in a concentrated dose. The study says “However, test results indicated that at the 1:512 dilution, GSE remained bactericidal, but completely nontoxic.” GSE is non-toxic at the concentration level it is sold in the stores.
“… is non-toxic to humans and animals.”
The cited study (which does not examine antiviral or antiparasitic effects, only antibacterial) says that the extract is toxic to humans. Absolute concentrations of active agents are not given, meaning that controlling dosages would be impossible in practice (especally in water disinfection).
It may be argued that most uses involve only incidental exposure to tiny amounts, however given the rising concern over widespread exposure to traces of toxic chemicals, stating that the extract is “non-toxic” is dishonest.
Not sure I understand. This is a concentrated biodegradeable liquid contained in a plastic bottle. Are you saying the bottle should be bioplastic?
How is a product that is meant to be disposed of meta-efficient?