A List Of Lead-Free Garden Hoses That Are Safe For Water Drinking

Most garden hoses leach lead and other chemicals into the water. The problem is that they are made of PVC, which uses lead as a stabilizer.

Consumer Reports tested 16 brands of garden hose sold at national chains and on the internet. In some hoses they measured 10 to 100 times more lead than the EPA considers safe coming out of a faucet.

Lead-Free Garden Hoses

These hoses are lead-free:

6 thoughts on “A List Of Lead-Free Garden Hoses That Are Safe For Water Drinking”

  1. My name is Rev.larry john i am with the
    Presbyterian Church of God and i will like
    to order Camper Hose ,below is the
    specification .
    sizes is Marine/Camper Hose 5/8″ x 50 ft.
    or if you have this size to you can email me back with a cost
    Marine/Camper Hose 25-ft Self-coiling

    All Models Colors: any color that you
    have .Quantity:200 pics of the Camper Hose and kindly email
    me with a total pick up price of 200 pics
    ..I will like you to send me an email
    response with the picked up price for this
    sizes and if you don\’t have this size or
    type available kindly email me with the
    sizes you have available. I will like to
    know your forms or terms of payment you
    accept Kindly respond to me as soon as
    possible for us to proceed further with the order
    Thank You.
    larry john

  2. I want to organic garden in containers. I have three made in Vietnam large pots, one glazed and two not. How do I know if they are lead free and safe to use? Thanks.

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