Energy efficient building designs and technologies are everywhere these days. In fact, the sheer number of options can seem a little overwhelming for those interested in sustainable construction techniques. But Southface Energy Institute, headquartered in Atlanta, can be a valuable resource for homeowners, commercial or residential builders, or individuals who simply want to learn more about environmentally friendly design.
Southface Energy Institute is a nonprofit organization founded in 1978 that provides a wide variety of services, ranging from community education events to technical assistance for builders. The Southface website is full of handy tips and information for improving everything from individual building designs to big-picture community dynamics.
Southface practices what they preach, too. Their Atlanta headquarters is a showcase of innovative building designs and techniques that was awarded a LEED-Platinum designation.
For tips you can use in your own home or office, or to learn more about Southface, visit their website.
Sounds like a great resource. Knowing what’s possible and what’s involved in implementing things is half the battle in sustainable building.
what a gorgeous building!
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I’m 23 years old and doing my masters at Princeton.
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