Most candles commonly found in households are made using low-grade paraffin (a petroleum by-product). They contain many impurities which are emitted into the air as the candle burns. These low-quality candles also tend to use wicks which are made with a metal core like zinc or possibly lead. This is not optimal. A good alternative to parafin-based candles are ones mad with palm oil, soy oil or beeswax. Soy oil is not as optimal as palm oil because it tends to come from non-organic genetically modified soy beans. We like Aloha Bay Candles, because they are made with virgin palm oil extracted without solvents. We tested these candles and they burn very bright and clean.
They also burn longer than paraffin-based candles — about 1 to 2 hours longer on average.
The wicks are high-grade cotton, braided and treated to burn efficiently. The scents used in the candles are 100% pure essential oils.
The prices of the candles are comparable to conventional paraffin candles, about $1 per taper candle for example. They are fair-traded from a co-operative in Java.
Available from: Amazon, Aloha Bay Candles and Wegmans.
As Victoria suggests, we should be very careful about buying palm oil products, because of the rampant forest destruction in order to grow this crop. Recently Greenpeace has warned: [Nestlé and palm oil traders] “are involved in the destruction of Indonesia’s precious rainforests as a result of [Nestlé’s] buying palm oil from notorious forest destroyer Sinar Mas.”
Here is the Greenpeace palm oil campaign link, related to Nestlé’s KitKat bars:
Hey, I love those candles, did you make them yourself or did you buy them? If you made them, I would love to know more.
I love the palm oil candles and the way you break them off to add to the pool of wax in the candle. Much less waste, smell wonderful and don’t leave the black soot that regular candles do. My cat got a fair amount on her tail yesterday and I was wondering how to get it off? I use vinegar to clean up the small crumbs I make when breaking the tops off to put into the wax pool but don’t know about cleaning it off her tail. Can you help please?
The company that makes the candles has high fair-trade and environmental standards. See the web site for more info.
The company that makes the candles, has high fair-trade and environmental standards. See their web site for more info.
Elise is right. Any answer to that question?
What is the answer to Victoria’s question ?
Are you sure Palm Oil is the best option?
Does this company ensure that their product does not inflict serious environmental damage?
“Indonesia has achieved its goal of becoming one of the two largest palm-oil producers and exporters in the world. But at what cost? At least half of the world’s wild orangutans have disappeared in the last 20 years; biologically viable populations of orangutans have been radically reduced in size and number; and 80 percent of the orangutan habitat has either been depopulated or totally destroyed. The trend shows no sign of abating: government maps of future planned land use show more of the same, on an increasing scale.” ::New York Times
Some palm oils are healthy and habitat-destruction free, but how can you tell?