Non-Toxic Paint Thinners — Made With 100% Lavender Spike Oil

Where To Find Spike Lavender Oil

What is Lavender Spike Oil?

Lavender or spike oil is a healthier alternative to traditional solvents such as turpentine and mineral spirits.

The oil is made by steam distilling the spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) plant.

Spike oil has a strong odor but the smell is far less offensive than turpentine and the fumes are non-carcinogenic. More details on the composition and be found in this report (PDF).

How To Use Lavender Spike Oil

Spike oil can be used to thin oil paint like other common solvents, such as turpentine. It is also an effective solvent for natural resins like dammar, mastic, sandarac, and gum elemi.

Spike Lavender (Lavandula latifolia)

Spike lavender looks similar to “true” lavender but is a different species of the plant — Lavandula angustifolia.

Lavandin Grosso — Another Type Lavender Solvent

Another plant is also used to make solvents — Lavandin grosso — this is a hybrid created from true lavender (Lavendulan augustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavendulan latifolia).

Basically, Lavadin Grosso Oil tends to be much less expensive than Spike Lavender oil but it performs just as well.

The Toxicity Of Lavender Spike Oil

Both lavender oils are considered to be non-toxic and have GRAS status (or “Generally Recognized As Safe”). Considering the high usage of lavender oil on the skin in aromatherapy, the reported incidence of skin reactions is low.

Rublev Spike Oil

Lavender oil is traditionally used and approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as herbal medicine to relieve stress and anxiety. Current animal and clinical studies show positive results in models of anxiety and depression. However, very little research has been done on molecular mechanisms.

A report (PDF file) commissioned by Art Tree LLC a supplier of spike lavender oil determined the following:

Evidential data are supportive that Spike Lavender Oil would not cause a chronic health effect with acute or prolonged dermal or inhalation exposure. The potential for idiosyncratic allergenicity may exist and should be forewarned, but this effect would be readily identified and reversible. It is not proposed as a label caution. Adverse effects during pregnancy are unknown but assumed minimal given the history of product use. It is not proposed as a label caution.

No studies as far as we know have been performed on the effects of inhaling spike oil in large amounts when used as a solvent. Most studies of the toxicity of lavender oil are in applications where exposure is in very small amounts such as in perfume and aromatherapy.

OSHA has not established permissible levels in the workplace. What this means is that the effects of inhaling spike oil are unknown, so artists should still take precautions and use this product with adequate ventilation and/or protective gear.

38 thoughts on “Non-Toxic Paint Thinners — Made With 100% Lavender Spike Oil”

  1. Thank you for this information. In fact, I’m very glad that we found a solution for this problem. It’s great that we found a safer way to paint the walls. Besides, who doesn’t love lavender? Once again, I am convinced that we can always find a plant-based alternative to the usual things that can harm my health. And that’s great.

  2. I’m really proud of these companies adopting a non-toxic approach to thinners. I have always been an advocate for this type of transition and I feel it will make a big difference. Great stuff here with the lavender, it actually smells great!

  3. My friend suggested me to use Spike oil since he mentioned that it can be used to thin oil paint like other common solvents, such as turpentine. It is also an effective solvent for natural resins such as dammar, mastic, sandarac and gum elemi. I wasn’t aware of these non toxic paint thinners. Thank you for sharing this. I appreciated it a lot.

  4. Lavender or spike oil has received much attention lately and is being recommended to artists as a healthier alternative to traditional solvents, such as turpentine and mineral spirits. However, many are confused by the names and even more by the claims made by commercial firms offering these products.

  5. I like this thinner and I will try using this one. The one I used was a Bioshield Citrus Thinner and the Real Milk Citrus Solvent. They are both made from citrus oil, making them natural products that will both accomplish your paint thinning needs and are safe to use.

  6. This is super fascinating! There are SO many chemicals in paint, thinners, primers, etc. Having your house painted can feel like fume- central. It can get super worrisome for those concerned with toxicity in chemicals, so it’s helpful to see some alternative options, especially of a natural type. Thanks for the recommendation- I don’t know anything beyond this about lavender spike oil, but I’ll definitely check it out after reading this.

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