chest freezer

The Most Efficient Chest Freezers

In brief, these are the most efficient chest freezers: The most efficient AC-powered chest freezers are by Whirlpool The most efficient DC-powered freezer are by Sundanzer When researching energy-efficient appliances, we often turn to the recommendations of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The ACEEE continues to publish helpful information about all sorts […]

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Man Retrofits Freezer to Make an Ultra-Efficient Fridge

An off-grid experimenter in Australia, Tom Chalko, has retrofitted a chest freezer to create a fridge that uses only 100 watt-hours (0.1 kWh) per day! Why a chest freezer? Tom points out that vertical door refrigerators are inherently inefficient. As soon as you open a vertical fridge door the cold air escapes, simply because it

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